Toll Box

With the tankpool24 toll box you have free travel Europe

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Thanks to the tankpool24 toll box, different tolls and route charges in Europe can be recorded automatically and individually tailored to your needs. This way you always have all important information in your tankpool24 customer account.

You can also benefit from the many advantages:

  • One toll box for over 15 countries
  • Advantages through discounts from the toll companies
  • Easy installation through plug & play
  • Transparency through secure toll portal
  • Accounting service through your partner tankpool24 Service GmbH

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Toll billing and coordination are often a major challenge. Each country has its own systems, charges and billing variants. The introduction of EETS is intended to counter these challenges. EETS stands for 'European Electronic Toll Service,' with the goal of making it easier for road users to settle tolls while driving across Europe by having only one device and one contract partner.

The so-called EETS Directive 2004/52/EC of 2003 obliges all countries of the European Union / all EU member states to approve so-called EETS providers for toll collection in their countries. What sounds simple at first is in fact an extremely demanding undertaking and also explains the hesitant implementation of the directive to date. Complex toll systems, well over 100 European toll operators, different technical specifications and varying economic and political requirements. EETS providers have to reconcile all of this.

Toll roads differentiate from country to country.

Whether trucks or cars are subject to tolls is regulated differently in each country.

Depending on the country, payment is made when passing through a toll station, by vignette or by toll box via a service provider. tankpool24 offers you the right solution for every country, including convenient billing. Contact us and we will advise you on the most suitable solution.

It's very simple: Fill out the registration form without obligation and we will contact you.

Please contact us. We will provide you with a tailor-made offer.

Place the box so that your view is not restricted while driving. Avoid placing it near moving parts of the vehicle (e.g. airbag covers). The OBU must be visible from the outside and must not be obscured by other parts (e.g. windshield wipers turned off). For metallized windshields, use non-metallized areas. With 'plug-and-play' simply plug the cable into the power supply and off you go. Alternatively, the box can also be permanently connected to the vehicle's power supply via a workshop.

The toll data is transmitted via hybrid radio technologies (GNSS / DSRC / Bluetooth) for toll registration of vehicles > 3.5 t permissible total weight. When the first order is placed, the vehicle data and booked toll services are automatically stored on the OBU. It is possible to charge and debit toll services OTA (Over-the-Air). The axle declaration can be set manually on the OBU display.

If you press and hold the button with the arrow pointing upwards for 3 seconds, the OBU menu appears on the OBU display. You can then see at a glance: booked toll service, number of axles, license plate number, emission class, weight, power supply and reception.

Germany: DEbag
Belgium: BEvia
Austria: ATasf
France: FRtis
Spain: ESvia
Portugal: PTvve
Tunnel: Warnow and Herren: DEtun.
Tunnel Liefkenshouk: BEliT
Bulgaria: BGria
Italy: ITsit
Hungary: HUgo
Switzerland: CHlsv
Poland: PLeto

It may happen that some OBU parameters need to be changed by the driver while driving. The driver can change the following parameters on the OBU: language, number of axles, trailer, current weight, cost center.

The number of axles must be updated in almost all countries. The only exceptions to this are currently Belgium and Poland.

The OBU signals this with a green LED ring for all booked toll services.

Green LED: The OBU is ready for toll payment. You are allowed to drive

Yellow LED: The OBU is not personalized or the toll service for the current location where the vehicle is currently located is not (yet) booked/activated or there is no toll system in this area (e.g. Netherlands) or the local toll service is not available on the OBU.

Red LED: Critical problem. Do not drive. Contact your tankpool24 contact person.
Exception: The OBU turns red after 30 minutes without GPS reception. If you are in a tunnel or garage, for example, drive to a location with GPS reception.

LED off: Sleep mode: the OBU is asleep after 30 minutes of inactivity and wakes up when moving or power is applied.

Yes. To do so, the battery that is inside the OBU must be removed. The OBU must be permanently installed in the vehicle.

The aim is to simplify toll collection and billing for trucks in Europe: only one recording device (On Board Unit = OBU) for all toll systems in Europe, one contract and one billing.

Only one toll box of the same type can be ordered for each license plate.